Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Global running and competitive status study of Shire plc 187 Essay

Worldwide running and serious status investigation of Shire plc 187 - Essay Example With around 15 brands working under the umbrella of Shire Plc the organization has improved their commercial center as well as broadened their business tasks (Shire, 2014). As of late Biopharmaceuticals Company AbbVie selected assuming control over Shire Plc and after various reevaluations and arrangements between both the associations the arrangement was canceled. The underlying proposal of AbbVie was  £27.3 billion which was then expanded to $54.8 billion (Bennett and Chen, 2014). In any case, given the adjustments in the US Tax Inversion process, AbbVie retreated from the merger procedure for which they should pay a sum of $1.6 billion to Shire Plc as separation charge. Following this adjustment in their key exercises, Shire Plc encountered a precarious fall of 27% in their offer costs (Yahoo Finance, 2014). The objective market of Shire Plc is patients experiencing conduct wellbeing, gastrointestinal issues and other uncommon sicknesses (Shire, 2014). Shire Plc has additionally built up a decent brand an incentive in the market of regenerative prescriptions. The objective markets chose by Shire Plc hold probably the biggest shopper sections in the social insurance and pharmaceutical industry (Angell, 2004). One of the center abilities of the organization is the assorted variety in their client contributions. The intriguing reality about the administration procedure of Shire Plc is that all their business achievement has fundamentally originated from their mergers, acquisitions and partnerships (Market Line, 2014). The capacity to incorporate the different societies with the hierarchical strategic vision has picked up them a special upper hand that gives both expense and separation points of interest over their rivals. Be that as it may, Shire Plc is still to a great extent subject to their Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) drugs for creating market income while different classes, for example, medications identified with Gastrointestinal or Hereditary Angioedema are as yet not ready to

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Froebels Idea Of The Importance Of Play Education Essay

Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel ( 1782-1852 ) is regularly most popular as the conceiver of the Kindergarten framework. He was a German educationist who was raised with a solid Christian religion, which was polar to his educationist thought. His adoration for nature other than gauges overwhelming on his contemplations and religion. He picked up affirmation from his first significant work in 1826 The Education of Human Nature, yet became praised in this manner in life when his kindergarten framework picked up acknowledgment. His musings of kindergarten later flourished in England, America and Australia and his work and considerations in this manner affected Karl Marx. Froebel had confidence in the respectability in everything saying that: â€Å" an imperishable law overruns and administers all things. The balance of this all-controlling law is an all-swarming, living, self witting and hence imperishable trustworthiness. This respectability is God. † He trusted in the respectability of insight and the interconnectedness of all things. Froebel was of the notion that there are characterized periods of diaper days, adolescence, childhood and masculinity. Stage two of youth was what Froebel esteemed the a large portion of import since he felt that at this stage they start to come to footings with the honesty of the presence and get down inquisitive requests about existence. His fear of youth was to such an extent that each child has a genuine piece and is connected to the presence: â€Å" it is, along these lines, with youth that existent guidance starts. At this clasp the head requests more consideration and going to than does the natural stru cture † Froebel trusted in the child as fundamentally great. He said â€Å" the solitary trustworthy review for threatening any imperfections and even shrewdness is to happen the initially great beginnings, the initially great side of the humanaë†â ¦ † his conviction of the implicit integrity of a child identifies with his contemplations that the child ought to be urged to help and instruct themselves in a specific respect. He felt that solitary human possibilities would come to fruition through crafted by the individual. He accepted that â€Å" the expectation of guidance is to advance and steer grown-up male as a witting, accepting and fathoming being in such a way, that divine inside law through his ain individual pick ; guidance must demo him the ways and significances of accomplishing that end. † Froebels ‘ solid conviction that children are obviously originative people and through dramatization they become mindful of their topographic point known to mankind prompted one of his cardinal part of his academic framework, which is that of show. He felt that expands their worry of the earth they live in. Froebel believed that â€Å" show is the most flawless, most strict action of grown-up male at this stage, † and that â€Å" play, along these lines, is the most noteworthy look of human advancement in adolescence, for it altogether is the free look of what is in the child ‘s ‘ mind. † Froebel set this complement on show in Kindergarten with the use of endowments ( play stuffs ) and businesss ( exercises ) . He accepted that universes are fundamentally profitable and originative and through arraigning with the universe, comprehension could bloom. He gave the children a progression of geometrical endowments that were in an arrangement of classs. A blessing was given one at a clasp and the child was left to distinguish its belongingss and opportunities for structure. Here, Froebels thought of honesty was placed into design, as every toy identified with the accompanying in some way, which represents the respectability all things considered and things known to mankind. For outline, the first â€Å" blessing † is a ball. Froebel composes that we ought to be â€Å" concerned just with the ball itself in its most straightforward signifier and in its least difficult dealingss. It might be free, or joined to a twine, and in each occasion it tends to be moved either unreservedly and vaguely or vertically, on a level plane, or sidelong, with notice to given surfaces. Here, figuratively speaking, it goes about as an attendant into the universe of things, following their lineations by its movements, thus stand foring themaë†â ¦should be considered corresponding to the child himself. † as such, the child is allowed to recognize the components of the ball and teach and learn for themselves only by perception and cooperation with the ball. Froebel imagined that â€Å" Every outer item comes to grown-up male with the challenge to discover its tendency and connections † the succeeding blessing after the ball would be the Globe. Its has clear similitudes to the ball, yet for a child, it speaks to another level of anxiety, for delineation its weight implies that it moves in an alternate way to the ball. The Earth did non shun or supplant the ball ; it strengthened the old endowment of the ball. The child would come on through periods of endowments and simultaneously each period of comprehension. Anyway Froebel was sure that â€Å" simply the equivalent advancement of grown-up male at each originating before stage can outcome and pass on roughly equivalent improvement at each wining in this manner stage. † He at long last felt that: â€Å" a toy is anything which is identified with the child as offices to a goal, and which, by making charming hope, calls forward dramatization in which he finds new and continuous pleasance. † The exercises set for the children in Kindergarten included games, vocals and accounts intended to help in centripetal and physical turn of events and socialization. By playing, kids mingle and duplicate adult cultural and monetary exercises as they are a tiny bit at a time drove into the bigger universe of gathering life. This identifies with Froebels ‘ thought of entire child guidance, where the child is being instructed all unit of ammo as a man of society. Froebel accepted that the instructor understudy relationship ought to be one of fairness, non approval and felt that there ought to be a solid impact of the parent and kin on the child ‘s instructive obtaining and maturing. He accepted that the child ought to have an otherworldly guidance each piece great. He states: â€Å" I would teach human presences who with their pess stand established in Gods Earth, in nature, whose authorities venture even into Eden and there look at reality, in whose Black Marias are joined both Earth and Eden, the shifted life of Earth and natureaë†â ¦ † I have examined Froebels thought of the significance of show in kindergarten and in the improvement of the child. I trust it is one of his generally explicit and most vehement components of his instructive framework. Anyway In expressing that term from the request, it raises a couple of employments. Instructional method regularly alludes to a learning arrangement of an exhaustive program on the most proficient method to teach, though Froebels â€Å" showing strategy † would be non to hold one. He accepted that the child ‘s condition made up the course of study for the guidance and the children would learn themselves in specific manners and comprehend the earth and find things for themselves. He said that: â€Å" aë†â ¦each single researcher adds to, and teams up in, their ain obtaining. † Through this activity it is obvious that Froebel had certain contemplations on youth that started his hypothetical musings on kindergarten, which in this manner grew more to the full into a sort of educating strategy. In choice plainly Froebel was incredibly intrigued by the cardinal figure of the child and their single securing experience, like that of today ‘s kid focused guidance. Froebel at long last accepted â€Å" the imperative worry of the school is non such a long way to go and to pass on an arrangement and assortment of things, for what it's worth to offer conspicuousness to the ever-living trustworthiness that is in all things † Froebels kindergarten framework and his idea of the idea of children are fairly firm in such manners that he permits the child to teach themselves in the location of the kindergarten thought utilization about his blessings and permits the child a specific opportunity to look into the characteristic universe and in twist build up their anxiety of the presence. He needed to create people who were completely adjusted in their guidance and who had certain ethical positions and who were in a way, free personalities. In choice, his general worry and reaso n for kindergarten was that: â€Å" Education at the end of the day, should take grown-up male to an away from of himself, to harmony with nature, to respectability with God. †

Friday, August 14, 2020

the two sides of CPW

the two sides of CPW It so happened that my younger sister got accepted into the Class of 2023 this year. She also happens to be quite a good writer, so we decided to do a dual blog post about our CPW experiences hers as an excited prefrosh, and mine as a jaded East Campus CPW chair. The Build-Up [Ankita] I committed to MIT a couple of weeks ago, so my main goal at CPW was to figure out housing. I thought it would be easy, but seeing the huge variety of events at each dorm was completely overwhelming, so I started creating my schedule pretty much the moment this year’s events leaked :’) Like a true #13, I spent hours creating and revising my schedule, and though I definitely didn’t need to invest so much time and energy in it, I don’t rEaLly regret itâ€"it helped hype me up for everything to come. Thanks to the phenomenon known as the Prefrosh Group Chatâ„¢, I already had a group of friends to plan with. We were pretty meticulous with our scheduling (see: color-coded spreadsheets) and even had a group video call to figure out which events we all had in common (lol yeah we went OFF)Here’s a screenshot of my spreadsheet. I went to 18/33 of the events I put on my schedule sonot bad, I guess? The Build-Up [Nisha] I got elected as one of the three CPW Chairs of East Campus a while back (maybe in January, but I honestly couldnt tell you the exact date because this year has been a blur). Our job is to basically coordinate all of the events that East Campus runs for the prefrosh, which probably sounds a lot easier than it is (and honestly, I thought it would be easier than it was). This involves bugging people to run events, buying them all the stuff they need to run the events, and making sure that things actually happen. Our spreadsheets were notably less exciting than Ankitas, and most of them looked something like this. In the week or so leading up to the actual event, we also had to go on a few shopping trips, including one to a sketchy warehouse where we picked up 65 cases of Yerba Mate (this is the second East Campus event theyve sponsored!) and a Costco trip that maxed out a credit card limit. THE YERB WAREHOUSE document.createElement('video'); Thursday [Ankita] I arrived at CPW around 10:30 and attended orientation/put my luggage in Burton-Conner, the dorm at which I was staying for the weekend, before RUNNING to the Course 15 Luncheon. I then met up with some friends and briefly went to a couple more housing events as well as Where Will I Live?, the International Dinner at Number 6, and the Admitted Student Welcome. After, I walked around with my orientation group for a bit and then went to Baker Horizons (which wasinteresting) and then Midnight Waffles at Maseeh. Honestly, Day 1 was a bit underwhelming. It might’ve been because I allotted 45 minutes to an hour for certain events that I ended up not spending more than ten minutes at. Food events, quite reasonably, are generally more about socializing than the food itself (I admit to eating chocolate-dipped Oreos alone in a corner once) but it was hard to spend much time with as many people as I’d hoped when everyone is running off to different events. Highlights: Face masks with the squad at 1 am in the Student Center International Dinner at Number 6 (great people and great foodâ€"I wish all the food events I attended were as fun as this) Frilled Cheese With F-Entry Thursday [Nisha] I woke up bright and early along with a fellow CPW chair to start up the grills. Thankfully, it was a beautiful morning that boded well for the rest of the CPW weather theres a longstanding joke that the MIT weather machine is always broken for CPW. Why were we starting up the grills at 8 in the morning? East Campus has a tradition of grilling almost nonstop throughout the ~72 hours that CPW spans. If prefrosh walk by, we always want to have something to offer them more specifically, a delicious Costco burger with all the condiments possible and melted cheese. The East Campus courtyard is a great place to come hang out and chill and have a burger, and we try to wake as many people up in the mornings so that the early rising prefrosh will always have somebody to hang out with at EC. I spent the morning hanging around and making sure things were all set up to run smoothly. At some point, I realized that we had forgotten to buy cheese :P which prompted one of not two, but  three  Costco trips that we took over the span of 3 days. Other than that, the day only had one major thing go wrong, and it was the strangely popular set a cake on fire event. Apparently to set a cake on fire, you need a LOT of vanilla extract, and the event runner had only requested a single bottle :P after running around distressed for a while (and setting some of the cakes on fire in the oven), we just hoped that a single bottle of extract would work and went for it anyways (it didnt, but it was fine). Fun fact, though: vanilla extract is 70-proof??? All in all, though, the day went pretty well. I collapsed in bed at midnight (super early for me) completely exhausted and not ready to do it all again in the morning, but such is the life of a CPW chair. Highlights: The bee cupcakes event was adorable and the cupcakes were delicious The sweet taste of a Costco veggie burger filling my mouth after so, so long Going to sleep Friday [Ankita] ankita w/ MIT mirchi Friday was where things started to pick up. I had a Wholesome Breakfast of barbeque chips before going to BC Field Day and then Bolly and Boba with Mirchi, MIT’s amazing Bollywood fusion dance team. After picking up some swag at the Academic Expo, I hung out in McCormick with some friends until Taste of Cambridge (long live Insomnia Cookies) and Charades Against Humanity in Burton-Conner, which was exactly what it sounds like and definitely one of my favorite events. academic expo My friend group hung out at Taste of New for a bit before migrating to S’mores at Maseeh. We didn’t really participate in the eventâ€"we just sat in a giant circle talkingâ€"but it was still one of my favorite experiences of CPW. Old Town Road played twicebless maseeh courtyard I spent the rest of the night exploring campus, hanging out with friends, and getting food (shoutout to the Clover on Mass Ave for being open 24 hours a day) Highlights: Charades Against Humanity Chilling at Maseeh Seeing Nisha in her Blogger shirt uwu Friday [Nisha] Another day of CPW, another alarm set at 7:45 am. I dragged myself out of bed to light the grills, but was met with a slightly concerning issue around 8:45 am: our 9 am event runner was nowhere to be seen, and prefrosh were already starting to gather in surprisingly large groups. It turns out that said event runner had stayed up till 5 am doing her taxes, and was rightfully too tired to run her event. What ended up happening was an impromptu display of East Campus spirit when everything is on fire (figuratively, sometimes literally), everybody pitches in to help. We had the prefrosh help us make the batter for the promised crepes and pancakes, and also had them help us make the aforementioned breakfast foods in the kitchen. We somehow managed to meet the demands of the enormous group of prefrosh who had gathered for crepes and pancakes with batter (so much batter) to spare. Shoutout to that one frosh who was really good at making crepes. We also had a brunch for parents and gave tours afterwards, and man, am I ever tired of giving tours. I must have given four or five parent tours during CPW, and this doesnt include the tours I gave the prefrosh. Parent tours are a little hard because we have to censor ourselves to some extent, and the questions that they ask can sometimes be really obvious and frustrating. Like, yes, this dorm is co-ed, just like pretty much all the dorms at MIT??? :P Other than that, I pretty much just ran around micromanaging the whole day. I managed to rack up around ~15000 steps just from being on my feet the whole day, which was impressive. Highlights: Catching a flying wad of whipped cream in my mouth not once, but twice, to the applause of many impressed prefrosh (lol) Wearing my stupid blogger shirt with my face on it   Taking a quick trip with Jack Florey Saturday [Ankita] An hour of sleep later, I was speed walking to Anime Karaoke. It ended late, so I went directly to the Activities Midway, which was really fun and helpful; I spent the full two hours there visiting the booths and watching all the performances. the taekwondo team at activities midway Later, I went to the Mocha and Ridonk Workshop, which was absolutely amazing. I was super excited to check out the dance scene at MIT and the workshop confirmed that I have a lot to look forward to in fall!! the CPW closing show The sleep deprivation really kicked in after the Closing Show. I left Poker Night early to sleep but instead found myself slumped in a corner of C3 having a very healthy dinner of brownies and Oreos at Fondue Night (yikes). I felt gross and tired and decided to go to bed at 10:30, but after changing into pajamas and taking out my contacts, I checked my phone and saw that my friends were about to go party hoppingso I put my contacts back in, y e e t e d myself into my thigh high boots from hell and RAN to Maseeh to meet up with everyone. Was it worth it? tbh, yes. After checking out the parties, we went to the lounge on Conner 5 and spent the next three-ish hours playing Sporcle and Contact. I passed out face down on a beanbag for an hour and then walked to the Harvard Bridge to see the sunrisebut rip, it was cloudy :( Still pretty, though! cloudy sunrise over the charles Highlights: All the dancing! Rope swinging to Electric Love by BØRNS in East Campus 3 thicc squirrels Saturday [Nisha] By the third day in a row of waking up at the asscrack of dawn to light the grills, I was fairly sleep deprived, grumpy, and distressed at the fact that I hadnt done any work in the last three days. Like, seriously. Zero work. I had even skipped mandatory classes :P But thankfully, Saturday turned out to be a glorious day. It was the day of the East Campus signature event. This year, Admissions asked all the dorms to put on a signature event that best represented the culture and feel of each dorm, and we chose to throw an East Campus carnival, complete with a bounce house, a rope swing, spinning arts and juggling, and spray painting the yurt that several upperclassmen had been building since Thursday. Since I hadnt been in charge of the signature event, I took the day to chill out and ignore my responsibilities instead of running around panicking. I took the opportunity to pick up a spinning staff for the first time and play around with it for a few hours, and found that I really enjoyed it. I might continue on with it next year if I have the time. Saturday was genuinely one of the best days that Ive had in a very, very long time it was great to see all of East Campus come out and ignore their psets and responsibilities to hang out in the courtyard together. It was a gorgeous day spent surrounded by friends, and it was wonderful. Highlights:   The BOUNCE HOUSE The moment when you swing down for the first time on the rope swing The Japanese Student Union takoyaki event where I binged myself on Japanese snacks Getting a staff trick right Summary i guess?? [Ankita] CPW was a tumultuous, overwhelming, glorious, and honestly kinda surreal?? 3.14ish days. I ate sooo much unhealthy food (but walked 45 miles), met tons of wonderful and unique people, and definitely figured out which dorms are right for me ;)) I’m so grateful to all the upperclassmen (especially my lovely host) for offering such great advice and helping make my experience so amazing!! If I were to do anything differently, I’d… embrace spontaneity. planning how long I’d spend at food events was a big ol’ waste of time HYDRATE. not wear uncomfortable shoes, obviously (pray for my feet) But that’s pretty much it! Removing CPW 2019 from my Bookmarks Bar feels like the end of an era :( can’t wait to be in Nisha’s shoes in a couple years! notice the drastic increase @ CPW Summary [Nisha] Overall, Id like to say my experience as a CPW Chair was positive I liked the chance to be able to represent my community and do good things for it. Unfortunately, I guess I had been expecting it to be a rewarding experience, which it wasnt really. But hearing the positive comments about East Campus from the parents and the students reminded me that somebody had to do my job, and I think I did a pretty good job of doing it. So alls well that ends well, I suppose. I was glad when Sunday afternoon swung around and all the prefrosh were finally gone, and I could settle down for a nap and a session of binge watching Season 7 of Game of Thrones in preparation for the season premiere. To finish off this post, heres a great picture of Simmons that Ankita took. And, soon to be officially truewelcome, class of 2023! Welcome to MIT, class of 23!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fraud A Broad Spectrum Of Individuals At Any Time

Fraud can affect a broad spectrum of individuals at any time. Companies and consumers are losing billions of dollars every year. The effects of such deceptions can way heavily on companies and consumers. Fraud can be committed in many different ways. It can range from employee embezzlement to email scams. With increasing frequency, fraud continues to occur. No matter what the news reports, without proper controls; fraud will still occur. Proper controls and training need to be put in place at companies and individuals need to have the tools readily available to know what types of fraud can occur and how to prevent it. The purpose of this paper is to show how the different types of fraud can affect everyone and how to mitigate and report the fraudulent activity. Types of Fraud Fraud comes in many different shapes and sizes. Some involve businesses while others affect consumers. Businesses typically become victims because their internal controls are not strong enough to prevent employees from embezzling money and changing the accounting records to hide the fraudulent activity. Businesses also see fraudulent activities come from vendors that do not provide the services they promise. If either is allowed to continue, over time, the businesses will lose thousands upon thousands of dollars. On the other hand; consumers can become victims of fraud in more types of instances. One of the more common ones is identity theft. â€Å"Identity theft is a term used to describe thoseShow MoreRelatedStrain Theory And Its Impact On Society Essay1641 Words   |  7 Pagesfurther expanded upon by Robert Agnew (1953) and Robert Merton(1951). General strain theory (GST), which has been expanded upon by theorist Robert Agnew. He says that GST in its simplest form is, â€Å"in dividuals who experience strains or stressors often become upset and sometimes cope with crime. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Intercultural Communication At An Indian Wedding Ceremony

In reference to chapter 1, the term intercultural communication equates similarly to culture communication around the world. Intercultural communication refers â€Å"to communication between persons who have different cultural beliefs, values, or ways of behaving.† (DeVito 40) In order to be more aware culturally, a person should open their mind to new experiences and not be afraid to learn more about a person’s culture. For this assignment, I decided to research a culture that has stark differences than mine which was the: Indian Wedding ceremony versus the Traditional American wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, it was hard for me to attend an Indian wedding so I mainly had to do research for this assignment. The main differences between these weddings had to do with: attire, wedding ceremony, and traditions. A traditional â€Å"vivaah†(wedding) ceremony is known for being quite the extravagant event, which includes: vibrant colors, loud music, and exotic food. B ut before I get into all the wonderful things that happen, first, I will discuss what you should wear at a vivaah ceremony. The bride traditionally wears a sari or lehengas. A sari and lehengas, is â€Å"a garment worn by Hindu women, consisting of a long piece of cotton or silk wrapped around the body with one end draped over the head or over one shoulder. â€Å"( Red, unlike white is the desired color of a sari for the bride. Red symbolizes â€Å"prosperity, fertility and saubhagya (marital bliss).†( InShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Model Of Intercultural Sensitivity1225 Words   |  5 Pages Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity is a creation of Milton J. Bennett and is used as a basis to describe the responses of individuals to cultural diversity. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesPersonality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Voting Free Essays

Voting is crucial in the progression of our society, good or bad, and our future. The simple act of voting can change the entire United States of America. It can aid in the positive or negative political growth, creating allies with other countries, or simple things such as our rights as the American citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Voting or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to vote, some political background should be present. This eliminates the issue of voting for a certain political party based solely from others beliefs. This knowledge can be obtained from basic research such as articles, novels, and trusted internet websites. Many people decide to vote before they truly know who they are voting for. Some may not even be educated on politics at all. For me what makes it so important is the amendments, we the people have a right to vote. Like the second amendment the right to bear arms there are some out there that want to take that away but to me, I think they’re crazy for insisting that diminishing the use of firearms get rid of some crime issues. Criminals will find a way to get gun, whether it is legal or not, this will only stop the law abiding citizens from the right to carry. I believe that school can setup a system to keep guns out of schools. For me a firearm is is for hunt and protection, what they have been used for many generations. Our veterans had fought for our right to vote for what we believe in. People complain on how things are going in this country but most don’t even vote so the have no right to complain because they’re not trying to vote for what they believe that will make things better for we the people. As far as political growth is considered, many people believe straight Republican or straight Democrat. When someone is elected of a different political party, this creates a divide in our country. During election, when you look at the polls it is easy to notice that certain areas are predominantly one party. If it comes down to it, just a few votes could change the outcome entirely. For example, if your family is straight republican party, yet the democratic party is up in the election, encouraging your family and friends who share a common beliefs as you, can make quite a huge change. On the flip side of the spectrum, if you vote based solely off of what others believe, this could open the door for even a larger amount of dispute between groups. Personally, I was anti- Hillary Clinton from the start due to the fact that she considers herself a Modern Democrat as well as analyzing the way her husband ran our country while in office. Donald Trump not only is a Republican, he also has done many things to impact our economy in a positive way. This is an example of deriving information from trusted sources and voting for a party that I truly agree with. Another reason that it is important to vote is because we need to be able to create relationships with other countries. Our economy runs based off of the trade of goods and services to and from other countries. Having resources available that come from China, Taiwan, and many other countries helps our economy grow stronger. However, due to past electorates, we are very far indebted to China, this is one thing that Trump is working on eliminating. Being in debt to other countries creates conflict which directly leads to war. Voting is necessary to run a country and as a citizen on the United States of America, I believe that it is my duty to ensure that I have voted for the person I believe will run our country properly and effectively. To me, the most important thing that I look for in a possible president is if they have a common political view as me, someone who knows how to create allies with neighboring countries, and most importantly, someone who will not try to eliminate the so called, unalienable rights, guaranteed to citizens. How to cite The Importance of Voting, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Values Of Human Dignity And Equality †

law Question: Discuss about the Values Of Human Dignity And Equality. Answer: Constitutional Courts understanding of the relation between the values of human dignity and equality in the context of the protection of the constitutional right to equality Inequality persists to be one of the most exigent issues on the agenda of human rights globally. The reason behind the failure to examine the inequality is the formal approach towards the issue which has failed to eradicate the social and economic equality embedded in the in the society. South Africa is in the process of implementing different approach to seek equality, which addresses the issues related to the apartheid legacy and the socio-economic inequality that is prevalent in the South African society. In order to achieve the same, the Constitution of the country rejected formal equality to develop comprehensive interpretation of equality, which is based on the concept of protection of human dignity[1]. The value of dignity may be considered as the foundation stone of the Constitution and for the rights safeguarded by it. This essay purports to assess the perspective of the Constitutional court about the relationship between the human dignity value and equality as a protected r ight in the constitution. South Africa has become one of the nations that have recently adopted dignity as a constitutional right, which is of supreme value, which shall provide the means to adopt the constitutional interpretation. This dignity-based jurisprudence of South Africas Constitutional Court has initiated a lively debate e with respect to the relations of human dignity with other values, in particular, equality and the capacity of dignity to constrain constitutional decision-making. As the Constitutional Court of south Africa is in the process of interpreting equality based on the concept of protection of human dignity, it has been criticized that human dignity is not enough determinate to provide a steady base for equality law[2]. It shall promote an distinctive idea of equality as well. However, if the fundamental developments in the South African Constitution are taken into account, it can be observed that the perception of dignity is deeply embedded in an age-old tradition that is capable of rei nforcing an approach towards equality that shall avert excessive individualism and identifies the relationship between the need of the community and individual. The article set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR] that human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights have given equality paramount importance in the international human rights agenda almost 20 years ago. Despite being incorporated into several constitutions and other legal instruments, inequality remains disguisedly entrenched in every society[3]. According to (2014), the equality jurisprudence of the Constitutional court in South Africa is worth mentioning. This is because the South African perception can be differentiated firstly by its resilient support of equality as an independent concept and, secondly, by the use of the concept of human dignity that will provide a detailed conception of equality. The fundamental role of human dignity in the interpretation of constitutionally protected right to equality has been recognized in President of the Republic of South Africa v Hugo [1997][4]. In this case, it was stipulated that main purpose of prohibition of unfair discrimination is to recognize that the democratic order and constitution of the country symbolizes founding of a society in which every human beings shall be treated with respect and equal dignity irrespective of their membership in particular groups. The transformative role of the South African Constitution in 1996 purported to create an innovative order, based on equality which has been clearly stipulated in the Constitution under article 9 and has been referred to as well as supported by the Constitutional courts of the country. The section states that every person is equal before the law and has equal rights to receive protection and benefits of the. The citizens are entitled to equal enjoyment of rights and freedoms and every person must safeguard persons subjected to unfair discrimination. Further, the state is prohibited from committing discrimination against any person on the grounds of race, gender, marital status, ethnic or religion, sex, religion, culture, birth and language. In the leading case, Harksen v Lane [1998][5], the Constitutional Court provided a detailed inclusive framework for determining claims with respect to the several provisions of equality. The obligation to provide a firm interpretation of equality extends to the non-discrimination clause, which formed the basis of developing equality jurisprudence, which further clearly expressed the role played by human dignity. In Prinsloo v Van der Linde [1997][6], the Constitutional Court upheld the importance of the role of human dignity in the context of equality jurisprudence. Unfair discrimination primarily implies that exhibiting different treatment to persons in a way that prejudices the fundamental dignity of such persons as human beings who are inherently entitled to equal dignity. Musgrave (2015) argues that this is the point where there no specific legal principles or doctrines instead the court emphasizes on the destruction of dignity. Unfair discrimination refers to the demarcation in treatment that affects the dignity of the individuals. However, if potential impairment of dignity is what the courts are concerned about, then what should form the basis to determine whether the grounds have fulfilled the test of dignity impairment. In the absence of precise description about the issue, small amount of applications have been dealt with by the court involving determination of the grounds. One such instance is the case of Larbi-Odam and Others v Member of the Executive Council for Education (North West Province) and Another [1998][7] where the constitutional court held that different treatment based on the ground of citizenship was sufficient to damage the fundamental human dignity of the individuals. Becker (2015) asserts that if factors like minority status, lack of control over citizenship, absence of political power of non-citizens and the history of disadvantage that was experienced by black individuals, deprived them of citizenship in apartheid legacy in South Africa[8]. However, if such factors are taken into accou nt, it can stated that these may form criteria to determine discrimination or inequality, though the factors are not exhaustive. In the South African context, the outcome of apartheid is substantial. Apart from the disadvantages suffered by the black individuals due to ethnic discrimination imposed under the apartheid legacy, the economic deprivation that was experienced by the individuals was equally significant. Besides, the Constitutional court had also recognized the societal inequality that resulted from apartheid regime and the harmful outcomes of considering certain groups as lesser to other groups during the apartheid regime. In Khumalo v Holomisa [2002][9], the constitutional court explained the underlying conception of dignity. The court stated that the significance of human dignity set out in the constitution is not only concerned with the sense of self-worth of individuals but it also affirms the significance of human beings in the society. The human dignity entails the importance of human beings that is commonly shared by all people along with the personal reputation of every person based upon the individual achievements. The corresponding duty of individuals to accord respect to the other members of the society is inherent and is known as Ubuntu. In other words, ubuntu is the African is a way of life where respect is accorded to human dignity and a person is subjected to equal treatment irrespective of the status of such person in the context of community. The sources of Ubuntu have originated from idioms and it signifies that interdependence of individuals with the other members of the community is fundamental. Ubuntu was expressly referred in the Constitution of 1933 but not in the Constitution of 1966. However, it is stated that notion is impliedly incorporated in the transformative constitution by the frequent reference to human dignity in the constitution. The concept of ubuntu signifies that respect for human dignity and equality are unconditional and core constitutional values that must be promoted by the courts[10]. From the above discussion, it can be stated that in the context of the values based on which forms the basis for the post-apartheid South African state, it is apparent that human dignity has immense significance in transforming the South African society[11]. Although, the incorporation of human dignity into constitutions of nations is not confined to South Africa but the significance of the role of human dignity is intensified by the role allocated to human dignity in the determination of the constitutionally protected right like right to equality. The arguments presented in this essay include the dignity-based-perspective to equality developed by the Constitutional court of the nation is embedded in the form of an conventional tradition which identifies dignity of human as the basis of human rights. This formed the basis to develop a framework for implementing the constitutional right to equality that concentrates on the realities of poverty, divisions and social strife of the South African society. The lack of detailed justification to the concerns related to the relationship between dignity and equality should be elucidated. However, the potentiality of the approach, undertaken lies in the capability move ahead of a shallow commitment with equality in order to resolve the real sufferings experienced due to discrimination or inequality. Bibliography Becker, Anne, Annamagriet De Wet, and Willie Van Vollenhoven. "Human rights literacy: Moving towards rights-based education and transformative action through understandings of dignity, equality and freedom."South African Journal of Education35.2 (2015): 01-11. Cornell, Drucilla.Law and revolution in South Africa: UBuntu, dignity, and the struggle for constitutional transformation. Oxford University Press, 2014. Harksen v Lane [1998] (1) SA 1(CC) Heath-Brown, Nick. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights."The Statesmans Yearbook 2016: The Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World(2015): 8-10. Khumalo v Holomisa [2002] (5) SA 401 (CC) Larbi-Odam and Others v Member of the Executive Council for Education (North West Province) and Another [1998] (1) SA 745 (CC) Musgrave, Michael. "African Customary Law in South Africa. Post-Apartheid and Living Law Perspectives by C. Himonga and T. Nhlapo, T.,(eds.). 2015. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa." (2016). President of the Republic of South Africa v Hugo [1997] (4) SA 1(CC) Pretorius, J. L. "Human Dignity: Lodestar for Equality in South Africa, L. Ackermann: book review."Stellenbosch Law Review= Stellenbosch Regstydskrif25.3 (2014): 628-631. Prinsloo v Van der Linde [1997] ZACC 5.